Session Node Details





1495304 1496945 15000 SENT 35% 100% 2.0 days (1440 blocks) 11.1.1 0:40:48 ago 8 / 8 8 / 8 0xe7ffffffffffffff Block 1813450 (~4.0 minutes)

Session Node Status

Registered, staked, and active on the network since block 1496945.

This session node is staking infinitely: no unlock has been initiated by any of its contributors.

3 Contributors

Contributor Amount Reserved
LDQdfvMhFmxYLzt54QLYLuTkjsdVitE89ZnVMvnFbPdfUv9KBTei6jF7HQjW8T3Fp2axeqBdK753ecRWhMCPQ48LBvT8fHo 3750 SENT 3750 SENT
LC53eoudAJLdVTEivwZLBMF7nGre2PuHuVptLUiG9QpFHF3TAPfmHkLaTYr2pfEyApDS5fd8xLULtiu8Gr2rmtQCLRNrxWS 11000 SENT (2 contributions) 11000 SENT
LDDVhFaVcs2bSL4S5gG6mWHFbPAN8K1CtJxwL4agfwvT7fRiECx85fVKbc3roCKoPsf1iu9jqjQr9CjBE1hz1eAL9txQUpz 250 SENT 250 SENT
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